Friday, May 10, 2024

Sewing Weekend!

 This blog is right at a year old.  I had written it out and never posted it.  I decided to go ahead and post it so you can see what we were working on a year ago.  Haley has completed her strawberry quilt and gifted to her newborn daughter!  

I use the Adventure Sling everyday, it's my go-to bag.  The water bottle holder, not so much.  I'm really surprised I don't use it nearly as much as I expected.  I guess it's just heavy when I have a full bottle of water and it makes my shoulder hurt after a while.

Here is the original blog from May 7, 2023:

After a long hiatus I'm trying my hand at blogging again.  I've been retired for about a year now and finally feel like I have the time and energy to make time for me to sew again.  

The name Sew Time for Me originally came about when my kids all grew up and left the nest.  I honestly felt at that time I was going to have time for me.  Well, that didn't work out so well.  Work, family obligations and my own head got in the way.

For the last several months I've finally been sewing on a regular basis.  I still don't get to sew every day or even every week, but it's definitely more often than I used to sew.  My sister, Kim, one of my daughters, Haley, and one of her friends, Sam, get together once every month or two for a sewing weekend.  

Every weekend that we get together, we all plan our projects out ahead of time.  I had two projects I wanted to work on.  The first was the Mistflower Water Bottle Tote from Season 4 Minikins by Sew Sweetness.  The second project was the Adventure Sling Bag by Missouri Star..  I'll have reviews of both patterns in a later blog.

 Kim worked on finishing a quilt top and starting another. Haley started a quilt and Sam made an apron.

My completed projects!

Haley's progress on her quilt. She completed all the strawberry blocks.  On our next sewing weekend she will work on the sashing and sewing everything together.  She hasn't decided if she will quilt it herself or send it out to be quilted.

The pattern for her quilt is by Margot Languedoc Designs by The Pattern Basket. It's called Strawberry Social.  

I forgot to get pictures of Kim and Sam's projects.  I'm just getting back into the whole blogging thing, so hopefully I'll do better at getting pictures.

Our sewing weekends are a wonderful way for us to relax, have fun and spend time doing something we love.  I've especially enjoy watching two young people embrace sewing.  It's becoming somewhat of a lost art and I'm happy to share with a new generation my love of sewing.

Happy Sewing!


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